Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Museums, Galleries and Alternative Spaces
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: One of the following - Contemporary Issues: Art Today courses, CRCP 2B01, DRPT 2B13, INTM 2B22, PHOT 2B12, PRNT 2B25 or SCIN 2B09.
This intermediate-level seminar serves as an introduction to the history and practice of museums and art galleries from the perspective of the artist, the public, the curator and museum staff. Students look at the development of permanent collections, exhibition programs and "alternative" spaces. Students become familiar with contemporary practices in organizational structures and display techniques, as well as, current curatorial issues in representation, intention and public education.
Notes: Priority in registration is given to Criticism & Curatorial Practice Majors. New Code: formerly CRCP 3B01
Course was last updated July 18, 2006 - 4:09 PM