Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Introductory Photography: Digital
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: 3.0 credits of first-year studio and 1.0 credit of first-year liberal studies, (must include one of the Essay and the Argument courses with a passing grade of 60%: ENGL 1B04 or ENGL 1B05, formerly LBST 1B11, LBST 1B12 or LBST 1B13).
Students are introduced to digital imaging as it relates to photographic practice. This course provides a basic overview of digital photography technology including Adobe Photoshop tools, scanning and printing. Hands-on practice is supplemented by demonstrations, lectures and presentations. Basic computer literacy is required; access to a digital camera is not.
Anti-requisite: Students who have taken PHOT 2C02 Contemporary Photography Studio may not take this course for credit.
Notes: Required for 200 level Photography Majors. Priority in registration is given to Photography Majors. New title: formerly Digital Imaging I

Please take special note that this course has material fees associated with it.
Course was last updated May 14, 2014 - 2:52 PM