Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Figurative Drawing
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: 3.0 credits of first-year studio and 1.0 credit of first-year liberal studies, (must include one of the Essay and the Argument courses with a passing grade of 60%: ENGL 1B04 or ENGL 1B05, formerly LBST 1B11, LBST 1B12 or LBST 1B13).
This course focuses on drawing from human figure. In a range of structured exercises varying from short gestures to sustained poses, the principles of composition, proportion and volume are explored through line and tone and the modelling of light and shadow. Anatomy and portraiture are introduced, as well as techniques such as measuring and reference point, hatching and contour drawing.
Notes: Please take special note that this course has material fees associated with it.
Life drawing from nude models, male and female, is a core requirement of this course.
Conditions: APPLICABLE TO SECTIONS OFFERED AS CORE FOCUS ELECTIVES ONLY: Students must have completed a minimum of 1.0 credit of First-year studio curriculum.
Course was last updated May 14, 2014 - 2:32 PM